Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Zicam is a Life Saver During Cold Season!

I was so excited when I found out I would be able to test the new Zicam Rapid Melts for free as a Crowdtap Sample and Share. I have always been one to catch colds, and now that I have a few other medical problems, the colds seem to last for much longer. The last cold I had lasted for almost two weeks and would not go away! So I was more than willing to give Zicam a try, especially if it meant that my colds would go away faster, or possibly not develop much at all!

I received my package from Crowdtap in the mail, and was in shock by how much of the product Zicam sent! I did not just receive small trial packets to share, they sent me six full size boxes of it! The timing was perfect  because my dad was just telling me about how he caught a really bad cold. He never gets sick, but was having a really painful sore throat. I gave him a box of the Rapid Melts, and he said that his sore throat was almost completely gone after letting the product melt on his tongue. He said he did still have a little bit of a stuffy nose, but his throat felt MUCH better. He also told me that the taste was actually pretty good, and that it almost resembled candy. He said he would have no problem continuing to take the medicine as needed for his cold.

I am happy to say up to this point of the Sample and Share, I haven't really caught a terrible cold. However, I have had a few days where my throat was scratchy and my nose felt a little stuffed. I took a Zicam as soon as I woke up feeling like something was coming. The flavor was much better than I anticipated! I had braced myself for a  horrible medicine flavor, but instead it was just a sugary cherry taste! They dissolve VERY quickly in your mouth; mine were gone within maybe 15 seconds. Since they do dissolve quickly, you do get a bit of a powdery taste in your mouth, which is the only part about the melt I didn't really like. But overall, the taste is very good for a medicine. I would almost compare it to Smarties. And it works too! The medicine made my itchy throat go away instantly and  I no longer felt like I might be catching a cold!

Zicam is wonderful at reducing your symptoms, especially a sore throat. Did it shorten our colds? That's a little hard to answer, how will we ever know? But overall I do think Zicam can do wonders for a cold. Every one of my friends and family that tried it said that it did reduce their symptoms and make them feel better! I am happy to welcome anything that can take away those horrible cold symptoms, so I will be buying Zicam Rapid Melts when my next pre-cold strikes!

*  *  *

Disclaimer: I received Zicam for free in return for me writing this review. The samples were free but the opinions are my own!

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